Zoom event 9 September 2021. 18.00-19.00AEST, 10.00-11.00CET)
Featuring Prof. Steven Freeland, Edward Farrell and Dr Samuli Haataja on the cybersecurity threats and implications for global communications and space infrastructure.
We feature three expert panellists who will share their perspectives from the standpoint of technical threats, cyberlaw and international conventions governing the military and civilian use of space.
We will consider
- the feasibility of attacking satellites and space-based infrastructure
- what a “day without space” might look like
- the crucial role space technology plays in critical infrastructure/national security/military activities
- how the multifaceted and ubiquitous nature of space impacts upon governance structures and decision-making
- the need to develop appropriate ‘whole of Government’ policies/strategies for space, also recognising its close intersection with cyber technology
- does international law apply to the activities of nation-states in cyberspace?
- to what extent does international law prohibit malicious cyber activities against critical infrastructure?
- what are the difficulties around attributing cyber attacks/malicious cyber activities to nation-states?
- recent research around ‘autonomous cyber capabilities’ — what are these and what kinds of legal issues do they raise.
Free global event. Details and registration here.
The celebrations for the 30th Anniversary of the Internet in Australia took place under the auspices of Cybersecurity Advisors Network APAC on Thursday 31 October 2019 at a gala dinner for 400 industry leaders in Sydney. Video
Join Cybersecurity Advisors Network APAC to stay informed of professional and personal development opportunities
We held our third event down at our Jones Bay Wharf headquarters. Members enjoyed hot BBQ food, a stunning view of the Harbour Bridge, and of course our trademark networking and fellowship.
We heard from JC Vega as he recounted the highs and lows of cyber ops through the lens of his long military career and his current role advising IBM’s cyber range. A key takeout was: In times of crisis you need friends to call on. Networks like Cybersecurity Advisors Network provide trusted contacts who will be there for you when you need advice or an independent take on what you’re seeing.

When we say “The Region’s Most Dynamic Cyber Professionals Network” … we mean it.
We just love connecting with our peers. Here’s a group of 120 cyber security professionals and cyber leaders engaging at a recent Cybersecurity Advisors Network event. Their faces tell the story.
How would you like to join a group of some of the most engaged and enthusiastic practitioners from all aspects of cyber – technical, policy, legal, privacy, education, business development and more!

The Sydney Launch Party – the most talked about event of the year.
32 new members announced.
Their faces tell the story.

This was the first of three events help for Cybersecurity Advisors Network Sydney members in Feb/March.

Stay tuned for more news to come as we continue to build out Cybersecurity Advisors Network as the region’s most dynamic cyber professionals network.